
from US$50.00

Adopt Lorian for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.

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from US$50.00
from US$50.00
Every 12 months
Adopt Lorian

Adopt Lorian for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.

Adopt Lorian for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.

About Lorian

  • Gender: Female

  • Age when rescued: 12 months

  • Rescue date: 27 October 2019

  • Reason orphaned: Separated

  • Identifying feature: Her forward-folding ears

  • Release date: 21 June 2024

Lorian’s Rescue Story

On the 27th of October 2019, the Reteti rescue team was alerted by members of the Lorian area community that there was an emaciated, pale elephant that could not walk. The community expected that she’d come from a far place, and had been left behind by the rest of her herd at night. She was not in a good state, incredibly dehydrated and weak. She was then transported to her new home at Reteti. Being 1 year old already, Lorian was older than the elephants that we usually rescue! After her check up, we could see that there were thankfully, no major health concerns. She was just very malnourished. Our nutritionist and vet worked closely with her to ensure she gained weight sufficiently, after which she joined the big herd.

Lorian at Reteti

Lorian is the epitome of “Wild and Free”! On arrival, she would scamper off on her own adventures, we’d have to send a team to keep an eye on her almost everyday. Lorian really makes us laugh! She is the master of all milk tricks. After she finishes her bottle, she runs behind the stables, close to the entry gate and then tries to secretly get more milk without anyone watching. She even licks her trunk so that there’s no trace of milk on her trunk or lip. Sometimes she even goes as far as splashing water on herself to cover up any signs of milk, then runs in together with the other elephants who haven’t taken their bottles yet to try to get another one. She sometimes succeeds, whoops! Lorian spends her days in sanctuary with her best friends, Kapai and Hamsini, who are also part of the older group of elelphants.

Lorian in the Wild

Lorian – along with 12 other elephants in her herd – was released right here in Namunyak Community Conservancy on 21 June 2024. It’s been wonderful to witness them joining a herd of wild elephants on the slopes of the Mathews Mountains! The next step of our journey involves monitoring their progress and wellbeing in a variety of ways. As a foster parent to Lorian, you’ll support her vital ongoing monitoring – and receive regular updates and inside info on her forward strides in the wilderness! Read more about her release on our Release Hub.

What is included in your adoption?

  • A digital, sharable Adoption Certificate - making your foster parent-hood official!

  • A Social Media Starter Pack, with videos and photos which you can use to share the news about becoming a #RetetiFosterParent

  • Email updates about your foster elephant every four months

  • Updated exclusive online photo album

Please note:
Multiple adoptions of individual elephants enable us to cover the costs of caring for all the elephants at Reteti; your contribution will help us cover the cost of milk, the keepers, veterinary cost and other essentials your elephant needs.

from US$50.00
from US$50.00
from US$50.00
from US$50.00